Sandra is a resident of Grange-over-Sands in South Cumbria. "I started working with hot glass in 2016 and have been developing my skills since".
"I’ve always loved glass, the way it sparkles, the multiple colours that change with the light but making it is truly amazing. There’s something mesmerising about the way colours change in the heat. How easy it is to manipulate at 1000 degrees Celsius then, just as quickly it’s as hard as glass (excuse the pun) at 600 degrees Celsius when you have to reheat it, or get quicker with your designs!"
"Initially, I was still working full time so getting to the workshop was restricted to an odd weekend or day off in the week. I now regularly get to spend days at E&M Glass Studio in Sarn, near Wrexham, experimenting with colours and learning new techniques. I know where any slight imperfections are in each piece but this is what makes them unique. For example; chill marks from the metal tools we use can add an interesting twist to a piece, turning an ordinary vase into a prism of light effects."
"For all my work I have been the Gaffer or lead artist. I creat the designs and choose what form the piece will take. The finishing aspects of sandblasting, grinding & polishing results in a stunning piece of art.For me, perfection is the imperfection!"
email or ring 07949 332583